Cyberpunk 2077


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New phantom liberty dlc

The upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty DLC, scheduled to launch later in 2023, will be the biggest budget expansion that developer CDPR has ever made, surpassing even The Witcher 3’s enormous Blood and Wine, and bringing new life to the sci-fi open-world game. All the more reason to look forward to the Phantom Liberty release date.

Picking up from the end of the Cyberpunk 2077 base game, Phantom Liberty stars Idris Elba as Solomon Reed, your new partner as you take on fresh threats in the neon-lit, sci-fi sandbox game. Keanu Reeves is set to reprise his role also, with CD Projekt Red developing Phantom Liberty alongside the full Cyberpunk sequel, codenamed Project orion

and linearity

Sasko was asked by a viewer how he feels about Cyberpunk 2077 being criticised for how linear it is (or more accurately, how linear it was compared to what was presented ahead of release), saying “well I think it’s completely justified.”
Cyberpunk 2077 does have three drastically different opening options, plenty of external quests that impact the main story, branching main quests, and five different endings, all of which are acknowledged by Sasko, who still adds that “players expected more.”

Sasko says that there are enough systems to have two playthroughs that aren’t identical but adds “that’s not enough,” before explaining how they think this came to pass.

“There are many things that happened. First of all, players expected more, they expected more because of how The Witcher 3 is built, and I think that Cyberpunk has an insane amount of non-linearity, but I think expectations were higher.

“Second thing is, the expectations were specifically regarding big branches [in the narrative]. And again there are a bunch of big branches in Cyberpunk […] but you are thinking about branches in a different manner.” With Sasko later adding “I think smaller branches were not satisfactory enough.”

The example Sasko highlights here is Takamura, explaining how while you have the choice to save his life in the game, the relationship the game helps you build with him almost makes it a non-choice, with most players wanting to save him either way.

So, maybe Phantom Liberty will do better?
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For those that don't know, you can paste this key into the beta section of steam under the games properties to unlock the press beta with DLSS 3.0 frame generation enabled. It will break any mods that you are using and it doesn't contain overdrive RTX effects either. Average FPS boost is around 30FPS with minimum frame rates boosting over 60FPS. I'm seeing about 100FPS at all times with no dips using max everything on graphics settings with DLSS quality mode at 4k.
Key Code:
Seems strange CD Project got DLSS3 frame generation released on Witcher 3 before anyone knew about it and but dragging their feet on Cyberpunk 2077. There any bugs with Cyberpunk? Frame Generation works great on Witcher 3.
I haven't noticed any bugs. The image quality is the highest it's ever been and looks better than native not just because of AA quality but also enhanced detail. Just don't use the in game sharpening and make sure you use the latest upscaling DLSS from tech power up in combination with the beta. Frame rate is always over 100 and the response time is a non issue. I think it feels more responsive than DLSS 2 without frame generation and reflex. Don't use a frame cap and let reflex cap it for you. Force V-sync and Gsync through the NVCP and enable frame generation/DLSS in the game options. I haven't had a single problem with it and would recommend giving it a try if you want to see what the game feels like maxed out at 100+ FPS. In my opinion it is pretty incredible and the standard for the future of gaming.
Seems strange CD Project got DLSS3 frame generation released on Witcher 3 before anyone knew about it and but dragging their feet on Cyberpunk 2077. There any bugs with Cyberpunk? Frame Generation works great on Witcher 3.

I'd bet they are just planning on releasing concurrently with the dlc. Fewer testing hours.
It's possible the new turbo rtx effects are taking longer than expected as well. I believe the original RTX implementation was the source of many delays for the original game as well.
It's when you put a turbo on your RTX... beeaaatch!
Anyways, I have tried to get back into this game like 5 times but I am not feeling it. The minute I try to do a mission (this is post game restart thingie), I am like no. I don't want to play it. I barely make 50 M before turning it off. Wtf?
Wasn't there a Cyberpunk thread already made and huge? So DLSS3 is out. Need to try this game again. Hopefully DLSS3 works with the free VorpX VR mod.
DLSS3's big feature is frame generation. Which is basically motion smoothing soap opera effect for games. Do not recommend.
Is this the vaunted 1.7 patch that is supposed to rework the AI and clear the last of the bugs?
Wasn't there a Cyberpunk thread already made and huge? So DLSS3 is out. Need to try this game again. Hopefully DLSS3 works with the free VorpX VR mod.

The new search tools suck. I looked for that thread and couldn't find it, so made a new one. Maybe they only let you search so-far into the past or something to prevent necrothreading. *shrug*
where did you hear that? I thought it would work for all RTX enabled cards back to the 2000 series.

All the articles i could see all say its dlss 3 only, and suggest its only for the 4k cards. None explicitly said its only for the 4k cards though. Even if its not though, its a performance hit, without the benefit of dlss 3 which IS 4k only. So in essence its 4k only regardless. With maybe 3090's being able to enjoy it.
I would think the 3000 series would be able to handle it at 1440P. 2000 series probably not but it's 5 years old. I would be shocked if it were only possible to enable it on the 4000 series because it doesn't rely on 4000 series specific hardware like DLSS 3.0 does for frame generation.