9800pro advanced settings errors


Got my VisionTek 9800pro today. Got it up and running with no issues that I wasn't expecting (Links 2003 messed up, problems with AF in UT1). Everything else runs beautifully. Only one minor issue. When I go to display settings/settings/advanced, I get two error messages. The first says "Could not open connection to RadProbe 028" and the second says "RadProbe failed 022". I "ok" out of both of those and it goes on to the advanced settings screens and everything appears to function correctly. Since everything seems to be functioning correctly, these two messages are no more than a minor annoyance. But I'd still just as soon they not be there. Any suggestions?

BTW, I only installed the Catalyst 3.2 and Control Panel stuff. Didn't install drivers from the cd as they appeared to be older.