What TV shows are you currently watching?

Silo (season 2) - Dunno what to say, usually split viewing is distracting but having more or less binged this show (pretty much binged season 1 as well) it sorta worked as you get to alternate which side is in setup vs which side is in climax which makes the show go faster. I heard lots of complaints that season 1 is slooooow but I didn't get that impression as much this time because of the alternate pacing. Maybe if I watched this show weekly I might have found it more distracting but doing 2 eps a day the week before the finale, worked.
Taxi Driver (2021) - Just started season 1 and am really enjoy it so far. It's like the perfect mix of action, investigation, revenge, and the coolness of a spy squad. They're filming season 3 now, but season 2 isn't even on Netflix so I guess I'll be off to the high seas soon. One thing I will say is that they could probably trim 5-10 minutes off each episode, mainly due to the overlap (1 story arc per 2 episodes).
The Expanse S5 and S6. Finally caught up on that one on the shelf. Pretty good ending to the show but you could feel that short 6th season had a lot more to tell... hopefully they'll get back to it one day but we also wanted that for Serenity and that didnt happen.

Silo S2 cool ending to that season as well and love the slow burn. Looking forward to S3 and S4. Not everything should be a short one season 6-10 ep series.
Finished Taxi Driver season. Loved it. Had a lot more continuity than I expected and the backhalf was more like one continuous episode.
Castlevania: Nocturne (season 2) - About on par as season 1 and it ended in a way where a continuance is not necessary.
Nearly finished The Night Agent S2. Finding Rose annoying this season. Part of that could be because she says she's going to leave every 5 minutes and somehow gets roped back into things.

I swear I read something that Rose wasn't going to be involved much in S2 but she's been in it heaps. While I liked the stuff between Rose and Peter in S1, part of me wonders if the show would be better without her now. Either that or actually give her a proper role as a spy instead of this bullshit. Also I think a big part of why I don't like her is because she coded spy software to track people around the globe. Ethics board or not, that shit is bad. They needed to hook her back into Peter without that nonsense.

The supporting cast has been mediocre this time around too. Noor is okay, but the rest are meh. Alice was a good char and should have been in it more.
Finished Season 2 of Taxi Driver. Was again fantastic. It had more episodes where the team (mainly Do Gi) disguise themselves in funny ways and play a silly role. Got a good mix of serious and absurd. Last third was more of a continous arc again and more on the serious side.

Watched it on Kocowa.com because pirating was too slow. Kocowa also has behind the scenes footage and specials, so that's nice. Season 3 is supposed to be coming out this year and has the same main 5 cast.
Finished watching Tokyo Vice.

Good show. About an American journalist that lives in Japan in the 90s and helps invistigate the yakuza.

It's two seasons long, 10 episodes each. A mix of Japanese and English. They cancelled the show, but season 2 ends with a satisfying conclusion.
watching When the Stars Gossip.

It seems alright, mostly. Two leads are good. But I'm finding that it is sometimes glacial with its pacing. Also some of the story bits are not that logical and the mix of Korean and English is odd.