Still using Office 2007


New member
I opened up Word earlier and for some reason I noticed the splash screen.

2007. My word pro is 10 years old. My version of powerpoint is 10 years old.

Then I started thinking about it and realized our office computers are running Office 2010.

Has anything changed in the last decade in the way of improvements?
I know there's "the cloud"...whoopee. But is there anything I'd really use?
These days you can pay a subscription. Which is just sad. That gets your 60min free skype calls and 1TB cloud to store 25 million 40kb documents.

I'm rocking 2007 too.
Has anything changed in the last decade in the way of improvements?
I know there's "the cloud"...whoopee. But is there anything I'd really use?

Not sure, I always have the latest one due to work and its a little hard to remember back 10 years ago but...
that god awful ribbon UI that was released with 2007 is now easier to deal with, but since you have a decade worth of experience with 07 ... I am guessing that you are "good" with it lol. (imo you might as well could have stayed with the 2003 version and kept classic ui)
there's built in save to pdf... which im not sure if it was a thing back then
you can easily save documents on your "one drive" (used to be called "sky drive")

Honestly the biggest change is that the Mac version doesn't suck anymore.
and by "anymore" I mean as of 2016, up until then it was always feeling like someone's weekend project.. but 2016 really makes it feel exactly like the Windows version

2007, if I am not mistaken, is also the last version that leaked online with a no DRM/no phone home, works everywhere without a key ...
I have personally seen a 100% legal, straight from Microsoft, identical version of the 2016 for Mac but as far as I can see this one haven't leaked so far to the p2p networks (or maybe I am looking in the wrong places..)

for collaborating I still find google docs to be easier, esp with real time multi-person edits, and I always save documents I need to pass around with a checkbox that makes it compatible with past versions .. thus since you got .docx support on your office... you are still good for now
I looked this up briefly and it seems like the biggest thing they added (in 2010) is co-authoring the same document at the same time. The new version makes it easier to share stuff in general (quickly find those files people sent to you). You can also do skype in the word software. Some (most?) of these require the subscription model, not the standalone office 2016.

In excel they added some more chart types, better forecasting. There are also a bunch more help functions like letting you type what you want to do, or smart lookups via search engines. Apparently it also has better autocorrect for using the right words in the right context.

If you want to trace some features, read some of these guides

2007 to 2010
2010 to 2013
2013 to 2016

They've removed a bunch of stuff there too, like ClipArt and EPS images. 2007 is doing me just fine and I'm not going to upgrade after reading up on the changes. Hell I use 2003 sometimes it works well enough for my purposes.
Three are massive improvements to PowerPoint in post-2007 versions. As someone who works with it in a professional environment for high-end, multi-screen presentations, it makes a difference. For the rest of it... :bleh:
Some lab PCs we have still rock '97 versions; this is really an issue often with Excel.

There are some pivot table Excel features that I know I've used in the current Excel which last version didn't have.
Still using 07 myself. It still works fine for Outlook, Word, and Excel. Tried 2013, but just didn't like it.
The only real issue is any security vulnerabilities which MS isn't patching on their older versions. Functionality wise, there isn't much differences for the core base capabilities.

Most of the new features are more around their integrated "Office 365 Platform" that a lot of businesses are moving towards.
I opened up Word earlier and for some reason I noticed the splash screen.

2007. My word pro is 10 years old. My version of powerpoint is 10 years old.

Then I started thinking about it and realized our office computers are running Office 2010.

Has anything changed in the last decade in the way of improvements?
I know there's "the cloud"...whoopee. But is there anything I'd really use?

Many core features will be similar/the same.

The newer apps are faster for many common tasks, better template usage, cloud connectivity for some stuff, and so on.

I am using 2013 and am eagerly waiting for 2016 :D
Honestly you probably could be using 2000 and for most things you wouldn't notice a difference. I'm actually not sure how these companies make money selling software. So little changes between each version, I don't know why anyone bothers to upgrade.
My Mom copy edits law books on 2010, so I guess it's still good lol.

I've got 2007 at home and don't use a tenth of its capabilities. One drive backup would be nice though.

Edit: Forgot that one drive is built into windows explorer in 8.1, so I can save and open docs from one drive in 2007.