I suppose even if exclusives are timed, that would still be reason enough for a lot of people to buy a Playstation 5 to complement their PC. But if the only reason you'd ever buy a console is to play its exclusives years into its cycle (like I've done a few times now), then yeah, maybe times are a-changin'.If this is going to be a trend for Sony, is there any reason to buy a PS5?
If this is going to be a trend for Sony, is there any reason to buy a PS5?
I totally agree, I hardly use my PS4, only for exclusives so maybe no ps5 later for me eitherGood news but a mistake from Sony imo, the never to be ported exclusives were a big part of a PlayStation brand.
Personally, since I don't mind to wait, I might never buy another ps again, and I had plans to buy 5 on release. Anyway, will happily put PS5 money into a gpu, long live PC the king.
Low end PC gamers (like KAC) who can't afford or unwilling to buy $800+ video cards won't be able to take advantage of high resolutions, more effects, etc anyways.. so will play the game on a console. No lost sale for Sony for their first party title.
Dreams will probably come to PC because it has zero hype on PS4. That game is going to tank like Project Spark.
I do think Sony will keep some exclusives, like Last of Us and Uncharted. Uncharted collection would sell pretty well on PC though.
Te only reason sony is doing this is because the ps4 was profitable. The ps5 probably will be too. Usually consoles are not very profitable and they use exclusives to sell unit so they can sell more games because the games are where they make the money back. I take this as a sign that they arent so worried about whether or not the ps5 will sell, and or that they already made their profits back from game sales so now ps4 games on pc are just pure profit.
It's unlikely for another console to have the same life span of profits like the PlayStation 2 or xbox original did. So why not get some more money elsewhere. Especially when any ports of these games will be bare minimum, as they wouldnt have been making pc versions at the time of creation.