Multiple Sony exclusives are coming to PC, PSN Account no longer mandatory, Demon's Souls PC port cancelled

Nice, I wanted to play this one, but not buying a console for one game I'll rarely have time to play...
Some console gamers are not taking the news well.

Horizon is one of the few console exclusives that interested me, but there has never been enough games on the consoles that I actually want to play to ever justify buying a console for. So I am hoping Horizon does come to the PC.
If this is going to be a trend for Sony, is there any reason to buy a PS5?
I think if this trend continues my next purchase will be a HDR10 120 Hz 4K Gsync enabled TV set plus a new graphics card. May even indulge in building an HTPC. I was hoping for buying the two consoles on launch but this seems like a better spend of money.
If this is going to be a trend for Sony, is there any reason to buy a PS5?
I suppose even if exclusives are timed, that would still be reason enough for a lot of people to buy a Playstation 5 to complement their PC. But if the only reason you'd ever buy a console is to play its exclusives years into its cycle (like I've done a few times now), then yeah, maybe times are a-changin'.

I convinced my brother to get an Xbox, a year or two after its launch, so I could finally play Halo for myself. I got a Playstation 2 for GTA: San Andreas, and caught up on games like Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. My wife had a Playstation 3, so I played The Last of Us a year or so after release. And I got a Playstation 4 Pro for RDR2, and caught up on several exclusives after that. I suppose for me, if exclusives come to PC years later, I could stop buying consoles.

But if a console is your primary gaming device and/or you want exclusives when they're actually hot, then the fact that they'd come to PC years later should be of no significance.
I bought a ps4 for TLOU and Uncharted series. Sold it soon after completing these. Would love to see these coming over to the PC. I am very patient and can wait a couple of years for a PC release.
Good news but a mistake from Sony imo, the never to be ported exclusives were a big part of a PlayStation brand.

Personally, since I don't mind to wait, I might never buy another ps again, and I had plans to buy 5 on release. Anyway, will happily put PS5 money into a gpu, long live PC the king.
Rumor has it that the PS4 exclusive title, Dreams (made by Media Molecule (a Sony owned Studio)), has the go-ahead from Sony for a PC release.

Sony Reportedly Has Plans to Port More Console Exclusives to PC, Including Dreams


"According to Eurogamer’s Tom Phillips, SIE has plans to release more console exclusives on PC going forward, and hinted that Media Molecule’s Dreams will be one of them.

Former PlayStation Worldwide Studios Chairman Shawn Layden also hinted that SIE is considering releasing its games on multiple platforms in an interview with Bloomberg last August." (source)


Good news but a mistake from Sony imo, the never to be ported exclusives were a big part of a PlayStation brand.

Personally, since I don't mind to wait, I might never buy another ps again, and I had plans to buy 5 on release. Anyway, will happily put PS5 money into a gpu, long live PC the king.
I totally agree, I hardly use my PS4, only for exclusives so maybe no ps5 later for me either
Maybe they're discovering PC gaming is profitable after all, after those years of "doom and gloom".

The people who buy $399 or $499 Playstations aren't going to be the same people that build $1500 gaming PC's for the most part, so they aren't going to lose sales, and in fact will gain sales because they will still have their dedicated console fanbase and high end PC gamers on top as cherry.

Low end PC gamers (like KAC) who can't afford or unwilling to buy $800+ video cards won't be able to take advantage of high resolutions, more effects, etc anyways.. so will play the game on a console. No lost sale for Sony for their first party title.

It's a win/win for Sony, as it already is a win/win for MS. Xbox sales are still strong despite pretty much every game being cross platform, and they've discovered better ways to make money via Xbox gamepass.
Low end PC gamers (like KAC) who can't afford or unwilling to buy $800+ video cards won't be able to take advantage of high resolutions, more effects, etc anyways.. so will play the game on a console. No lost sale for Sony for their first party title.

to be fair im sure he would spend 800 rupees as long as he could re-negotiate the sales taxes
Dreams will probably come to PC because it has zero hype on PS4. That game is going to tank like Project Spark.

I do think Sony will keep some exclusives, like Last of Us and Uncharted. Uncharted collection would sell pretty well on PC though.
Dreams will probably come to PC because it has zero hype on PS4. That game is going to tank like Project Spark.

I do think Sony will keep some exclusives, like Last of Us and Uncharted. Uncharted collection would sell pretty well on PC though.

Strangely enough, Naughty Dog are looking for someone to work in TLOU2, who has experience with graphics technology for nVidia as well as AMD. With the Playstation 4 and 5 having nothing to do with nVidia, that's remarkable.
Te only reason sony is doing this is because the ps4 was profitable. The ps5 probably will be too. Usually consoles are not very profitable and they use exclusives to sell unit so they can sell more games because the games are where they make the money back. I take this as a sign that they arent so worried about whether or not the ps5 will sell, and or that they already made their profits back from game sales so now ps4 games on pc are just pure profit.

It's unlikely for another console to have the same life span of profits like the PlayStation 2 or xbox original did. So why not get some more money elsewhere. Especially when any ports of these games will be bare minimum, as they wouldnt have been making pc versions at the time of creation.
Te only reason sony is doing this is because the ps4 was profitable. The ps5 probably will be too. Usually consoles are not very profitable and they use exclusives to sell unit so they can sell more games because the games are where they make the money back. I take this as a sign that they arent so worried about whether or not the ps5 will sell, and or that they already made their profits back from game sales so now ps4 games on pc are just pure profit.

It's unlikely for another console to have the same life span of profits like the PlayStation 2 or xbox original did. So why not get some more money elsewhere. Especially when any ports of these games will be bare minimum, as they wouldnt have been making pc versions at the time of creation.

An alternate theory could be that they have a lot of confidence that the specs of the PS5 will compete head to head with gaming PCs at a much lower price point. So, they don't need to rely on exclusives to sell it.
Yes but none of these are PS5 exclusives. They where PS4 exclusives. How much you wanna bet these series see sequals and those end up PS5 only.