Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2


Keeping an open mind
Staff member

Where to get it

Release date:
February 4, 2025 (04/02/2025)
Platform: multiple platforms (no Gamepass)
Still not finished the first one as way too hard... do I need to so I get this ?
I think it picks up where the first game ends. Here's hoping the game contains a recap.

That said... Warhorse Studios does have a video up that is called "Kingdom Come: Deliverance - Full Cinematic Story"... so I guess you could catch up this way... it is 5hrs lol

Good scores. Tempted. Played the first but never finished it. Thought it was good but I think I just lost interest or found it too slow.

Might wait for this to go on sale or something.
HMM mayhaps i should give this a go. I got the first one on Epic back when they gave it out for free. Heard good things, knew nothing about it.
Spent several hours watching a streamer play it yesterday. The new game looks basically the same as the first one. So if you liked that one you'll probably like the new one as well.

I played the first game a bit years ago I liked the concept but found it incredibly frustrating to play, but I jumped back into it last night and ended up playing for about 5 hours. Granted my last save was right after I enabled a bunch of cheats so things went a lot smother this time around.
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Probably looks allot the same, because its an update version of the Cryengine they where using before. I mean not that the first game looked bad anyway imo. Plus the performance seems pretty decent.

So if I haven't played the first one, is this a must have? From reviews looks like it's really good... main story is getting good reviews...

I'm a big fan of Skyrim but this game looks a little bland and slow to me, not sure though, is there magic in it?
I think I'll pick this game up once I'm not poor and have decent enough internet that it wouldn't take me several weeks to download a new game, and after I finish playing the first since it's got me kind of hooked now.

From what I saw on the stream I watched the first hour or so of the game has a bunch of flashbacks that catch you up on the story of the first game.

This game is more of a semi hardcore middle ages simulator. Stuff like making potions or crafting a sword are basically mini games that mimic how they would actually be made in real life. Combat is fairly involved and difficult which is what I found most frustrating, but It gets better once you level your skills up and learn the systems.

Also saving only happens when you sleep in owned beds, or with a potion, and after certain quests. It's very easy to lose several hours of progress because you took a fight you shouldn't have. Also no magic but there are many potions that boost a number of stats temporally.
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