Is there a bonafide DP->HDMI 2.0 4K 60Hz adapter available?

Dyre Straits

New member
I'm presently using a DP->HDMI 2.0 passive adapter and able to get 4K @ 30Hz.

However, if I attempt to select the Basic 4K resolution (instead of the HDTV option) in CCC, I can actually SEE 60Hz show up but anything above 30Hz is in italics. But, as soon as I attempt to select and APPLY that setting, it all reverts to HDTV and back to 30Hz.

My Sceptre 505 49 inch 4K screen supports 60Hz...and, via acceleration can even do 120Hz.

Anyone using an active adapter with any success with an AMD card?

Mine: R9 390 8GB.
7th article down on the front page. Club 3d has them.

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EDIT: Well, actually, it appears that the product was announced but no one actually has one in stock.

Accell has announced that their version would be released end of December.
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They were certainly available but sold out really fast. You will need to give it some time before they are commonly available.

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club3d announced them 6 months ago, so people have been waiting for them.

makes sense they are sold out.

price is way cheaper than i expected.