DeskTop Theater 2500 Vs. 3500


New member
Someone knows the real difference between the Cambridge SoundWorks DeskTop Theater 5.1 DDT2500 Digital and the DDT3500 Digital one?
They both suck get Altec Lansing ADA890's or Klipsche Pro Media's or Midiland 7100M Plus or 8200's
let's hear it for Altec Lansing!!!! (yah!!!) :D

got a pair of acs56 Power Gamer serries... only 4.1 ch (non dolby)... awesome sound for awesomely low price (sure beats the cambrige 2000's for the price, sound quality & wattage power ratio)

just cause you have a creative Live! dosn't mean you need to stick with creative cambrige ... as GT2K said, there's better out there :)
altec blows

personally.... ive got two CSW PC Works systems (2 satellites and a sub with each: total of 4 sats and 2 subs) and its more than enough... the sound quality is spectacular and its loud as friggin hell

id reccomend anything Cambridge SoundWorks over anything else on the market.... they just have the best stuff for computers!
I've got some FPS2k's. Great ****, but the sub is a little weak and the mid's aren't too great coming out of some dinky little 3" cone for both highs and mids...
I've got the fps 2k's and for a starter set they are great, but after your ears hear better.... I'm currently looking into the midiland 8200's or the midiland 7100+ model. Just remember if you get either one (the soundwork speakers, never the midilands), you are gonna get an underpowered sub and speakers that are very anal about where they are placed (in regards to sound quality).
[throws up]

What the hell are you talking about ZepBrian? Altec blow? Umm, ok? What's even more surprising is you are saying that Cambridge SoundWorks sell the best speakers?

You're retarted. Have you even heard the Klipsch ProMedias? If you think you're two little sets of CSW are good, check the Pro's. 400watts of total power. More bass than any other PC system out there. They are releasing a new version now with better cross-overs and a new preamp to help get rid backround noise and improve the midrange.

<i>"its loud as friggin hell"</i>

As for a 4.1 setup, nothing can beat the Pros in sheer power, which seems to be all you are interested in. Sorry to have blown up like that, but that comment is not well thought out.
GakValadep - Speakers are subjective to the listener. It depends what you like. Overall, I would say the majority of the people out there would agree with me when I say that the Klipsch ProMedias (4.1) are the best 4.1 setup (overall, I said) Now, some dont' like 'em, but lots of people do.

I have heard them cause my friend has 'em. The bass is freakin' amazing. Best I've heard comming from PC speakers. The sats are ok. I would say the midrange is lacking (lots of highs and lows) but it could just be me. Some people don't complain about the Midrage.

As for 5.1, I would say the Midiland 8200's. Though, I don't really have anything to base this on besides all the reviews I've seen and emails aksing people what they thought of 'em. I haven't seem them given a bad review, so I would probably say they are the best 5.1 setup on the market.

As for soundcards, the SoundBlaster Live! line is pretty good. I have the SB Live! Platinum and it suits me well. Does everything I would ever want it to do. Phillips (sp?) just came out with a new card called something like the "Aucoustics Edge" or something along those lines. I've never really heard about it, but I've read one review and the person who reviewed it liked it a lot. Just do your research and pick what you think is best.