Recent content by pahncrd

  1. pahncrd

    Something interesting about the Elder Scrolls games that I never knew.

    I saw this post on reddit and it blew my mind. Some of you probably knew, but if so, why not tell me eh? It was written by zanhoshi.
  2. pahncrd

    Traded a laptop and a video card for an iPad 2.

    Seems to be pretty cool. My wife uses my MacBook air most of the time, so I figured I would try and work an iPad into my daily routine. It is very snappy and exudes quality, other than that, I'll have to play with it more. For those of you with an iPad, how do you deal with it day to day, for...
  3. pahncrd

    Having some performance problems with my rig with new tri-sli setup.

    I just recently put in my 3rd gtx 570 and so far I have been very disappointed. All cards are at stock and my 920 is clocked at 3.3ghz to rule out heat. I cannot beat 37k in performance mode in 3dmark Vantage (when I was hitting 24k with a single gtx 570), and in homefront and other games...
  4. pahncrd

    Why haven't all you iOS users bought Mission Europa yet? It is gritty and it looks a bit rough, but damn if it isn't one of the funnest games I have ever played on a portable device. It is a Diablo loot type game, and there is basically limitless combinations of items and...
  5. pahncrd

    Picked up a GTX 570 HD for use in SLI.

    I meant to buy a regular GTX 570, but I accidentally ordered an "HD" version which is smaller and has more HD connection options. Works fine in SLI with the other stock 570, so no biggie, and it was the same price as well. I'm just hoping that heat won't be increased because of the smaller...
  6. pahncrd

    PC gaming is strong and getting stronger.,+Paper,+Shotgun%29 It is nice to hear something other than hyperbolic gloom and doom when it comes to PC gaming. PC gaming still...
  7. pahncrd

    Looks like I might not be getting an iPhone 5. :-(

    Slide out keyboard Larger form factor What a shame, looks...
  8. pahncrd

    I'm looking for the absolute best 5.1/7.1 gaming headphones. Cost is not a concern.

    I really want to find a really awesome set of 5.1 gaming headphones for my PC. I very rarely get to crank up my 5.1 surround speakers while gaming, and I really want to have the best surround audio available. I am not interested in 2-channel headphones, regardless of sound quality or supposed...
  9. pahncrd

    PahnCrd is streaming some gaming on (includes girlish screams and ranting)

    A couple of people said that there might be some general interest from people wanting to view my gaming and listen to my sultry voice. I don't know if thats true or not, but I figured I might as well stream my gaming with some commentary just in case anyone is interested. I can view the chat...
  10. pahncrd

    Alright PC gamers, time to man up on a PC-centric title like the days of old!

    Okay, here's the things. Is gameplay tantamount? I mean, totally meaty, totally deep and totally complex gameplay. Are you interested in a game that feels sort of like Deus Ex mixed with Mass Effect mixed with Privateer? If so, you absolutely need to pick up Precursors from the russian...
  11. pahncrd

    Yahtzee tells it like it is... He is spot on about how gaming on the iPhone has become a frontier for experimentation and innovation. It reminds me a lot of the early days of PC gaming actually. So much crap, but so many brave developers trying...
  12. pahncrd

    There is now a console game screenshots thread stickied.

    So start posting those console screenshots and show off the power of your favorite machines. :D Here is the link.
  13. pahncrd

    Console Gaming Official Screenshots Thread

    There was a time when a thread like this wasn't necessary, but now that we can take screenshots with our consoles, it makes sense to create a place to put them. Keep the chat down to next to nothing. And please try to not quote with the [img] tags. This thread is for console screenshots only...
  14. pahncrd

    So, does anyone else have a Kinect?

    I'm having fun with it so far, but I'd like to hear from others that have one to get their experiences and favorite games. If you don't like movement games or don't like the Kinect, then that's cool, but I am not really looking to hear opinions from people that don't own a Kinect, as there are...
  15. pahncrd

    Epic Citadel game gets a real name - Infinity Blade

    Looking pretty sweet. p2H8hmi8yrQ Starts at 2:15