Recent content by 12Bass

  1. 12Bass

    Samsung cheats with new QD-OLED rhto9MmiExE Have seen a bunch of early reviews of the S95B claiming it is a total game-changer... BRIGHTER! MORE ACCURATE! MORE REALISTIC! However, even in filmmaker mode, Samsung is artificially boosting color and brightness to give the image...
  2. 12Bass

    The story of mRNA vaccines

    This article details many of the twists and turns, along with happenstance over several decades of scientific research, that eventually led to the development of the mRNA COVID vaccines. A fascinating read, IMO.
  3. 12Bass

    Mother-in-law question

    A friend of mine called me in distress this morning from the (opposite) East coast where he and his wife and son are visiting his mother-in-law for the holidays. While there, his MIL has asked him to do various repairs around the house and to drive her car for several errands, as she is...
  4. 12Bass

    Porcupine Tree is Back!

    Prog lives in 2021! AW5v4Ohxk5k
  5. 12Bass

    Atari ST in use since 1985

    While many here are chasing the next big thing in technology, this man is still using a 1985 Atari ST to run his business, using software he wrote himself. Really get a kick out of how much use he's had from this machine, especially in an era when some upgrade their mobile phones every six...
  6. 12Bass

    A Trans Coming Out Story | Philosophy Tube AITRzvm0Xtg Hopefully this video will help foster greater understanding and empathy for those of us who fall outside of society's norms.
  7. 12Bass

    SNES Raytracing

    Forget about those shiny new consoles and expensive RTX cards.... just use realtime raytracing on your SNES. VeFF344NbZ4
  8. 12Bass

    Warp Drive and Aliens: Perimiter Institute

    A scientific perspective on warp drive and aliens: fzweIEvN8sc
  9. 12Bass

    Pedophilia double-standard

    e-UzxbPUur4 Have seen the pedophilia double-standard perpetuated here... thoughts?
  10. 12Bass

    Radiohead for solo piano... beautiful!

  11. 12Bass

    For All Mankind (2019)

    Anyone else watching this show? It presents an alternate history of the Apollo Program where the Soviets landed the first man and woman on the Moon. HZS9M52Bd_w I'm a sucker for almost anything Apollo, so of course I have to watch. So far, I've found it entertaining. The color, outfits...
  12. 12Bass

    An intersex person shares her experience....

    Very moving video, IMO.... 28Ip-STEPKU
  13. 12Bass

    A song about Metroid from my friend's band...
  14. 12Bass

    Ticketmaster recruits professional scalpers to increase corporate income
  15. 12Bass

    YouTube showing as a white rectangle

    All embedded YouTube links are displayed as a non-clickable white rectangle in both Firefox (57) and Edge browsers. Is there a simple fix for this?