I bought WinRAR!


New member
I just got a two grand builder's settlement (out of the blue) for my rental's subdivision, and I was feeling generous; so I bought WinRAR. Been using it for the last 30 years, figured it was time. :lol:

I just got a two grand builder's settlement (out of the blue) for my rental's subdivision, and I was feeling generous; so I bought WinRAR. Been using it for the last 30 years, figured it was time. :lol:


But that's winzip...y u forsake the good people at winzip....IS THIS A GAME TO U GAI....those winzips execs were gonna trickle down their giblets now they go gibletless...and da werkin man feels the squeeze...:cry:

Shoulda been a contender and donated to the EFF and name dropped 7zip instead...:thedonald:
I just got a two grand builder's settlement (out of the blue) for my rental's subdivision, and I was feeling generous; so I bought WinRAR. Been using it for the last 30 years, figured it was time. :lol:


Good guy Winrar.
I own a copy as well. I felt guilty about not supporting programs from individuals that I use a lot. I also donated to the AdBlockPlus person, and though it's a company, I paid Raxco for my copy of PerfectDisk. It's got some clever features. Ooh, and PrimoCache, that's so cool I have to support it.
Lol, every three months my cookie expires and they get another three bucks. :) Every once in a while I learn that a fellow poster is an editor for them. I use Wikipedia a LOT, so I don't mind donating so much.

Ooh, openlibrary.org is also very cool to donate to. Through them I get to re-read SF classics from "the golden age" (when one was twelve).
