Recent content by cjl64

  1. cjl64

    My GTX 275 has arrived :P

    I have not really had much time to answer questions people asked me earlier as my friend wanted me to play left 4 dead and i am just now posting the pics i took. Not like left 4 dead is a hard game to run. But it was nice to crank up SS and 16xaa with no slow down in sight. I will do some temp...
  2. cjl64

    Life is amazing

    Hello rage3d, i just wanted to share with my fellow members that there have been some amazing changes in my life. I have been gone allot but for good reasons. I recently moved into a new apt. that has a piano in it. Still have not gotten the internet hence the laps of my presence...
  3. cjl64

    finally quit smoking cigs!!!!

    Not that i talked much about cig smoking. for the last 3 years i have been a rather mild-heavy smoker. i just recently turned 24 and my lungs felt like condensed crap. its been almost a month now without a cig and i have had a rather east time this round for some reason. i know im not 100% out...
  4. cjl64

    daily dose of awesome!

    found this video as i recently have started getting into the piano and was looking for different techniques to try. Right at 2:30 then 6:30 its such a memory over load... this dude is perfect in his playing... just awesome. Kf6w7_bxWNM
  5. cjl64

    newegg tax lifted :D

    Just got an e-mail from newegg stating no more tax will be collected in the state of ny... :)
  6. cjl64

    pendulum engine... WOW!!!! extremely impressive models with very real facial expressions. Check it out ... damn! 38046.html the old man looks the realist to me.
  7. cjl64

    The Legend of Neil lol
  8. cjl64

    awesome joker impression

    nIaLXE06Mp0&feature Some of it is a little lengthy.. but his laugh, voice, and makeup is really good.
  9. cjl64

    my next keyboard

    Well, been wanting to get a new keyboard for a while now.. i have some lower end logitech keyboard that i cant stand anymore.. they key don't feel right and they are not responding very well anymore. So i decided to look around and found this sexy little beast:D Saitek Cyborg Now i know...
  10. cjl64

    Combar Arms : Free skill based FPS

    Combat arms The game has kinda a Counter Strike Source look to it. I have not had the chance to try it out... but please feel free and post some :Pics: when you guys get the chance. Looks like a decent game seeing how its free :D
  11. cjl64

    Matthew Good Concert :D

    Was just curious if anyone else saw the matthew good concert in Kingston Ontario. Was a rather good show and a fun first concert for me. Best part about visiting Canada was all the nice beer's on draft:drool: I must say every time i get the chance to go up to Canada its always a fun time. :up:
  12. cjl64

    voice recording software?

    anyone know any good voice recording software? One that can add echo and a few other little touches? I have a little personal project i want to try but dont want to desclose what it is if i bomb it horribly. I find the echo and effects in rock band for the xbox to be perfect but i cant record...
  13. cjl64

    prank help

    Okay.. so in one of the threads for fools jokes, there was a link to an auto dialer for reminder wake up calls.... well the link is down because of high traffic due to abuse from april fools.. i was wondering if anyone could help me find another one for a prank call. All it is a web based system...
  14. cjl64

    best cooling case for $$$?

    Okay... well i found out why after all this time why SLI was a bugger to run with 2 8800GTX's... mystery is HEAT! yeah noob i know:bleh: Anyways.. for now i have a small house fan on the side of my case and games are running amazingly better. temps are way down.. talking 30'c better! okay...
  15. cjl64

    Wiihabilitation :D

    This is a news article with a clip of something new they are trying for physical therapy patients at the hospital i work at. i work in x-ray.. but this is kinda cool anyways.