Recent content by Capt. Picard

  1. Capt. Picard

    Football World Cup 2022

    So, who's watching. England just finished 6 - 2 against Iran. Looking forward to the all the games. Like most Americans I'm not a huge fan of soccer/football. But I appreciate and love a spectacle and therefor I love the Football World Cup.
  2. Capt. Picard

    So ... fellow xenomorphs ...

    ... the Predator has been out and about with only the Xenomorph being able to counter the Predator in any significant way. How do you think the DC Universe or the Marvel Universe will incorporate this species into its franchise
  3. Capt. Picard

    Shinzo Abe, fomer Prime Minister of Japan, has been assassinated.

    Allow me to pay tribute to ... Shinzo Abe. He was one of the better international statesmen we have seen during the last 20+ years. EDIT: I'll go ahead and not say what many people are thinking.
  4. Capt. Picard

    What type of underwear do you wear, if any?

    As per title. Weekdays - Trunks Weekends - Commando
  5. Capt. Picard

    Tom Brady (clickbait) is about to retire. Tom is 5 months older than I am. I'm also a 1977 baby. A shock to the system for me. I've lost my athletic abilities 15 years ago. I get cranky if I have to climb one flight of stairs to my next class...
  6. Capt. Picard

    Damn, this is a bit brutal ... So I'm looking online for something totally unrelated when I stumble upon this story. She was relieved of command, with it broadcasted to the whole world, yet no reason given.
  7. Capt. Picard

    New American National Spelling Bee champion!

    Zaila Avant-garde Her victory is impressive enough but this video of her juggling skills just shows that her brain is a finely tuned processor that will take her far in life.
  8. Capt. Picard

    Ennio Morricone has died at age 91 Nooooo!!!! His movie soundtracks are legendary.
  9. Capt. Picard

    It maybe a stupid question ...

    I've just formatted my PC and updated it to this very minute. I've got a Radeon RX 480 and Windows, through its update, also installed a driver for it (as it has all the previous times I formatted any PC). My question is, is this enough? Or should I download the Catalyst driver from the AMD...
  10. Capt. Picard

    The final episode of Suits (S9E10) was beautiful.

    Thanks to the "Suits family" for bringing us many years of enjoyment. I will miss the characters.
  11. Capt. Picard

    Bieber decides to step away from music Where did Justin Bieber get his chin (lower jaw) all of a sudden? ... He basically looks like a young man and not a young boy. I think it comes from his decision to not do the music anymore he has been...
  12. Capt. Picard

    Fox News = deplorable So a former Cosby show actor that has fallen on hard times and is bagging groceries are exposed in front of an international audience. Their was nothing sympathetic...
  13. Capt. Picard

    WTF's up America?

    What is happening in American culture that no political satire shows are showing on your networks? No, Bill Maher, No Seth Meyers, No Trevor Noah and No Stephen Colbert. Dudes, you are killing me here.
  14. Capt. Picard

    WTF is it with mid-season breaks!!!

    The frequency with which all my favorite series have been interrupted has long surpassed mere annoyance and has rather festered as a deep disgust in some broadcasting corp. scheduling. The Flash has had 3 mid season breaks during the current season 4. WTF people?!?!? Arrow has also seemed...