Recent content by bob saget

  1. bob saget

    Mad Max thread

    Can someone point me to the Mad Max game thread. I know I'm like 10 years too late but I've been going through it and I have some thoughts that must be shared :D
  2. bob saget

    I hate the grocery story

    So I wanted your guys' opinion. something happened at the grocery store and I wonder if i did the right thing. At my local store there are several front doors through which you can go in, but the shopping cart "station", is off to one side, just inside the doors. Therefore, some people will be...
  3. bob saget

    Boeing 777 engine oopsie over US. everyone safe

    sBxe4cQzUIY flying is tense enough without looking out the window and seeing that. everyone was jumping in the comments about how these planes are designed to fly on one engine etc, but still tho. SUUUUUPER frightening...
  4. bob saget

    Deep Rock Galactic

    Not sure if people have heard of this game. I couldn't find a game thread... It is a fps 4 player cooperative hoarde-clear game, in the same vein as Virmintide. You choose one of 4 classes. Your goal is to navigate a cave system and extract resources and/or complete other objectives. The...
  5. bob saget

    [CAN] crt lawsuit payout

    I know we got a bunch of people from canada here... if you signed up for the crt class action lawsuit a year or two ago, watch in your email inbox for the message on how to claim your 20 bucks. Looks like we are gonna be having food tonight! EDIT: background info...
  6. bob saget

    Yay new phone

    Got a 128 iphone SE after 4 years with the first iphone SE i got back in 2016 :lol: yes i know there are more capable phones out there atm but i love the ease of use and the smaller size. any sort of start up tips or anything like that appreciated. onwards and upwards!
  7. bob saget

    Declassified Tsar Bomb footage

    SOOO freaking cool. For people who don't know, it was the most powerful bomb ever, with a (scaled down from 100!) 50mt yield. If you've seen Trinity and Beyond, it had a bit on this bomb but this just goes into SO much more detail about the setup/preparation phase before the blast, as well as...
  8. bob saget

    MSI CEO/Pres dies He also stabbed himself in the back 6 times...
  9. bob saget

    Brutal attack on 12 yr old

    You guys might have seen this. Happened in Missouri. The link has the video but it doesn't autoplay in case it's too much to watch. Basically he's dancing on the sidewalk and a car slows up, a full grown man gets out and sneaks up behind him and sucker punches him in the head and runs away...
  10. bob saget

    women and short hair

    do they look better with short hair or without? make sure to vote in the poll!!!!! random sample photo i found on google
  11. bob saget

    Teams Q

    Had a very specific question for all you pros who have been relegated to using zoom or teams or w/e else. I'm trying to do teaching through teams and for the most part its been ok. Can I upload larger files such as movies or TV shows for the kids and have them be able to download them to their...
  12. bob saget

    wtf is it with these

    funky little right hand drive vans that are popping up everywhere around here. mostly different versions of these also saw what seemed like a brand new Toyota Noah (also a small van) on the...
  13. bob saget

    Rick and Morty Season 4

    I really liked episode 1. Anybody watch it? It actually felt kindda like season 1...
  14. bob saget

    RIP Franco Columbu

    I mostly knew him from being one of Arnie's closer friends and from Pumping Iron. Seems like he had small roles in a lot of Arnie movies. in T1, he's the terminator that infiltrates the human base in a flashback. Msf8JMVku7Y mk9wTQPjy14
  15. bob saget

    how to use in-laws

    great thread title eh :lol: As far as I understand it, using the term "____+in law" means as it relates to a spouse. Brother in law = brother of spouse Sister in law = sister of spouse in laws = parents of spouse etc However recently, I've heard a sibling of a married couple refer to the...